While enjoying a premium, hand rolled cigar, how often do you actually think about the process of creating cigars or the tobacco plant itself? Probably not often. Also, how many cigar smokers have actually had an opportunity to visit a tobacco farm to see the rows upon rows of tobacco plants? A small percentage of […]
Welcome to the first ever CH infographic! This first one is a quick reference guide to cigar wrappers. Let us know what you think. Embed code (please be sure to convert quotation marks from curly quotes to straight quotes): <a href=” http://www.cheaphumidors.com/blog/infographics/infographic-cigar-wrapper-classifications/”><img src=” http://www.cheaphumidors.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/Wrapper-Classification2.jpg ” alt=” Cigar Wrapper Classifications – Infographic ” title=” Cigar Wrapper […]
CheapHumidors would like to welcome you to a brand new section of our blog. Shaken, Not Stirred will cover all topics beer, wine and liquor related. CH would like to thank guest author Stan Schubridge at Beertaps.com for kicking things off! Jägermeister actually started out as anything but the drink we know today. The term was introduced in […]
Pipe smoking is a great way to enjoy some relaxing free time. Smoking a pipe is not something that is only for older folks. It is a hobby that is being picked up by many people of all ages all across the world. Learning how to properly pack a pipe with tobacco and then learning […]
You've heard about flavored cigars - some good and some bad. Have you ever tried one? Here's a brief opinion on flavored cigars in general, and some issues pertaining to them.
8 Sexy Cigars to Enjoy with Sex So this week I was asked to write an article about what cigars to smoke before, during, and after sex. I have no idea who thought that I would be an expert in that area, but since it’s Valentine’s Day weekend, I’ll give it my best shot since […]
DivPro Ultimate Divot Repair Tool DivPro is a pocket organizer for golfers sick of searching for the right tool every hole. The tool features golf ball marker, divot repair tool, shotgun can opener, golf club head cleaner, golf grip saver and, of course, a cigar holder. Simply stick the two-pronged end into the turf and […]
Winter is coming! Or, as those from Buffalo, New York are more than happy to tell you, winter is already here with a vengeance! When the snow starts coming down there’s only one thing to do, retreat indoors with a heat source like a fireplace and get toasty. You can also do the Cheaphumidors.com method […]
So, you’re tired of getting complaints from your wife / girlfriend / mistress / mother / love doll about cigar smoking. Well, we have a solution – get her/it into cigars! Then you can share your hobby together. It’s never gonna happen, you say? Well, we’ve got 8 tried and true ways to get women […]
When people talk about cigars, they often drop a lot of fancy terms. Almost every cigar description will say something like: “Medium body, with notes of toast and leather. A bit of strength, but nothing overpowering. Decent cigar for puttering about the yard.” (Sidebar: How much time do cigar smokers spend in the yard and […]
After two consecutive articles of enjoying cigars alongside some alcohol, I decided it might be time to sober up my writing… at least for one article. At first, I found myself at a loss. I mainly like to have my cigars either as a celebration for some accomplishment (sometimes just waking up before 1pm on […]
According to cigar legends, box pressed cigars were created when manufacturers packed the cigars too tight during shipping and some got sort of squished. The thing is, some people kind of liked them that way, so box-pressed cigars became a thing. Of course, the obvious question is why do people like them? What are the […]
Tips for Traveling with Cigars It’s summer! Time for a much needed vacation! Do you have a trip coming up? Perhaps you’re going to Cuba to have a taste of the forbidden fruit? Maybe a cruise lined up? Wherever you’re going, we both know you’re going to be enhancing your experience with cigars. But do […]
A “herf,” for those who don’t know, is a get-together where people smoke cigars. The origin of the word herf dates back to 2008, where on the alt.smokers.cigars USENET group, Mr. John Chunko proposed the name. Click on over to CigarCraig.com if you want to learn more about the origin and history of the word herf. […]
Cigars aren’t like sex – there’s definitely such a thing as too moist. (Too far? Oh well, too late to turn back now!) Anyhow, sometimes in your well-intentioned efforts to humidify, humidify, humidify, you wind up overdoing it. Cigars should be smoked at around 70% humidity. If your hygrometer is approaching 75%, you’re overdoing it. […]
It is one of the most common questions a smoker receives: I am a new smoker, what brand would you recommend that I try? Talk about putting us under pressure! What if we suggest something you hate and you swear off cigars forever?! Around the office, we generally recommend more mild cigars for newbies, insuring […]
Like any niche, the cigar world is full of insider jargon. If you read enough about cigars, you’ll find that the language is peppered with Spanish, colloquialisms, and made up words that only old-timers in Latin America are entitled to use. But you don’t want to stay an outsider forever, or else your “cigar” enjoyment […]
Let’s face it: the United States of America was raised on tobacco. It became the cash crop of the 1400’s and is now a deep-rooted part of our culture and society. We love cigars. Our forefathers loved cigars. And our grandkids will love cigars. So it’s no surprise that our nation’s great leaders have a […]
As a cigar smoker progresses from the casual smoker to someone who smokes regularly, there is usually a desire or even a need to purchase cigars in quantity. You may buy some cigars so you’ll always have a supply to smoke at home and other times, you may want to purchase special editions or just […]
If you’re a regular visitor to our blog, thanks for following our Cigar 101 infographic posts. Here is the infographic in its entirety. Also, make sure to check out our travelling cigar art. Embed code (please be sure to convert quotation marks from curly quotes to straight […]
Some of the first cigar etiquette rules were written by Zino Davidoff in 1967. Since then, there have been many rules or “suggestions” on what to do or not do with our cigars. Some of these rules are based in time honored traditions while others have come about due to evolving trends in cigar smoking. […]
You've heard about flavored cigars - some good and some bad. Have you ever tried one? Here's a brief opinion on flavored cigars in general, and some issues pertaining to them.
We’ve all gotten THAT cigar before. Maybe a well-meaning friend has given you a box of Don Nobodies or you’ve acquired a handful of samples that are just too bland or mild for your taste. Instead of tossing them or giving them away to unsuspecting noobs, maybe an experiment is in order. Do you have […]
Historically, the cigar represents a time of celebration or victory. From the birth of a new child, weddings, business mergers and what I feel is the most common, a victory cigar for a sporting event. Cigars and winning seem to go hand in hand for as long as anyone can remember. I thought I would […]
There is a great deal that goes into the creation of the perfect cigar. Many people do not realize this, but there is much more to the tobacco leaf than just the variety. Of course, we all know that different tobaccos grown in different parts of the world have different flavors, but the details do […]
We have all been burned by a bad burn (yes, pun intended). Burn issues are one of the most common problems cigar smokers face while enjoying this hobby. Cigar burn issues come in three main forms: tunneling, coning, and canoeing. Tunneling Tunneling refers to the issue we see when the filler tobacco burns faster than […]
In your search for quality cigars, you may have come across the term “boutique cigars.” What’s the difference between Boutique Cigars and other Premium Cigars? Both types can offer a high-quality smoke. However, what defines boutique cigars is the low production numbers of these smokes. Many aficionados define these specialty cigars as smokes with an […]
Many smokers, especially first-timers, report getting sick from cigars. Everything is going well when suddenly bad feelings start to brew. Skin gets clammy, nausea sets in, and your head starts to swim. The next thing you know, you’re planted over the wastebasket, throwing up, and swearing never to touch another cigar again. Fortunately, much like […]
What should you do when your cigars become over-humidified? First, let’s discuss what happens to an over-humidified cigar. These cigars will taste bitter, even though the taste is still present at the beginning of a smoke. However, the more you smoke it, the stronger that bitter taste becomes. These cigars are also soggy in texture. […]
Ok, so this is one of those basic, 101 topics that those new to the hobby want to ask but don’t want to feel like a new fish. There are some cigar aficionados who spend a significant amount of time arguing over the finer points of cigar smoking etiquette. Questions concerning whether or not to […]
It’s happened to everyone – you’re smoking a cigar and you realize that you’re wiped out and it’s time for bed. Your cigar still has a good 20 minutes left in it, but slogging through it would just be a chore at this point. You simply don’t have it in you, and you’re damned if […]
Most smokers of premium, hand-rolled cigars will never experience an ammonia smell with the cigars in their collection or in a tobacconist’s humidor. But, believe it or not, ammonia gases are a standard byproduct of the fermentation process with tobacco. As an aside, the first time I discovered the relationship between ammonia and tobacco […]