What to Do When Your Cigars Are Over-Humidified

What should you do when your cigars become over-humidified?  First, let’s discuss what happens to an over-humidified cigar.  These cigars will taste bitter, even though the taste is still present at the beginning of a smoke.  However, the more you smoke it, the stronger that bitter taste becomes.  These cigars are also soggy in texture.

Most cigar smokers won’t even smoke anything out of the recommended 60-74% range.  Some cigar smokers have likened the taste to “smoking air.”  You will notice right away that there are burning problems with over-humidified cigars.  When the cigar is overly moist, it will not light easy.  Furthermore, over-humidified cigars tend to have problems with cracking, expanding, contracting and developing mold.

It is far worse to smoke an over-humidified cigar than a slightly under-humidified cigar.  If the cigar is soggy, it may be beyond saving.  However, if it is merely soft, there may still be hope for it.  One of the greatest threats for over-humidified cigars is the development of mold.  If you notice a moldy or musty smell while drying the stick, then it’s probably a lost cause.

If the cigar is still capable of being rescued, you will only see the foot of the cigar stick swelling.  If you see mold on the cigar, this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s ruined.  You can brush the mold off.  It’s not the appearance of mold that matters—it’s the level to which the mold has tainted the cigar.  Many avid smokers actually enjoy vintage cigars—many of which have some mold on them.  What matters is the flavor; if the mold has progressed to the point of ruining the taste.  It is recommended that you remove mold-infested cigars from “healthy” cigars.  If you do notice the appearance of mold, be sure to check your humidor to see if there is any problem in containment or in the humidification system water.

What can you do if the case or room is over-humidified?  If the damage is minor, then simply remove the humidification device and leave the box (or room) slightly open.  A few hours may be all it takes to restore the room humidity back to normal.  In extreme cases, you could try leaving them in a case without any humidification whatsoever.  However, do not make the mistake of leaving these cigars out in the open air, since this will cause them to dry unevenly and thus shrink or break.

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