Buying a quality cigar humidor is an important step in keeping your cigars at peak flavor and making them taste better by allowing them to age properly.
However, if you purchase one with too little storage, you will find that you encounter problems. Do you have too many cigars in your humidor? Can you actually overload your humidor? Yes, you can, and quite a few problems can stem from this. How do you overcome these problems? What sort of issues might you face here? First, let’s tackle the possible problems from overloading.
First, you will find that most humidors have a specific number of cigars that can be stored within them. A small one might hold about 75, while a slightly larger one will hold 150 or so.
This count should be on the labeling when you buy it. What should you do if there is no label? It is quite possible to find one lacking a label, particularly if you find yourself with an heirloom or if you buy one-second hand. Antique humidors may not have a cigar capacity count on them. If the person selling it to you doesn’t know, you can figure it out on your own pretty easily.
You can determine the capacity on your own without too much trouble if you have a few tools. You will need something to measure the interior, like a ruler or a tape measure. Humidors are rated by how many corona size cigars they can hold. These are approximately 5 inches by a 42 gauge. You can get a rough estimate on how many cigars it will hold by taking measurements of the interior and then figuring out how many corona sized cigars it will hold.
The right humidor is an important investment for any cigar lover. In addition to planning for growth, you need to realize that the capacity listed might not be applicable for your cigars.
If you smoke cigars that are larger in diameter or length than a corona size, then you will find that you need a larger unit to accommodate the same number of cigars. If you prefer something smaller than a corona, you might be able to get away with using a smaller humidor. Check out this great post from Cigar Aficionado on storing cigars in your humidor.
Cigar Oasis electronic humidifiers, featuring models that can humidify from 75 up to 10,000 cigars, should be on your short list for a hands-free, low maintenance solution to cigar care. With four models, and a complete redesign for 2014, choosing the right one can be a little confusing and overwhelming. The purpose of this guide […]
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